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Time: Nov.26, 2014 (9:30-11:00am)

Venue:Lecture Hall, Science Building, Shantou University, Shantou, Guangdong, China

Format: The symposium will be live broadcasted via the internet to the whole country through the dominant education and health websites in China.

Honorary Supporters
Ministry of Education, PRC
National Health and Family Planning Commission, PRC

International Visiting Doctors Program of Li Ka Shing Foundation

Li Ka Shing Foundation
China Education Television

Local Organizers
Shantou University [Introduction]
Shantou University Medical College[Introduction]
The National Institutes of Health, U.S.A [Introduction]


Windows Media Player
Tom - Skype

On November 26, 2014, the 18th National Telemedicine Educational Symposium will be held at the Lecture Hall, Science Building of Shantou University, Shantou, Guangdong, China. The Symposium will be live-broadcasted on the internet; audience can watch it on line by clicking those links on the web. China Education Television will also broadcast the Symposium on its Network Television website.

This Symposium is sponsored by the Li Ka Shing Foundation and the China Education Television while Shantou University Medical College and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) work together to organize the symposium. Two professors from NIH, Dr. Zhengping Zhuang and Dr. Karel Pacak will deliver lectures in Oncology at the symposium.

Dr. Zhuang’s talk is entitled “Identification of a new syndrome of paragangliomas, somatostatinomas and polycythemia and its underlying pathogenesis and genetic mechanisms ” while Dr. Pacak’s topic is “How new advances in the genetics, biochemistry, and functional imaging of pheochromocytoma revolutionized patients' care”. Audience can make comments on internet-based BBS and the experts will respond to questions raised by on-site audience, as well as those from internet surfers.

The “International Visiting Doctor Program” of Li Ka Shing Foundation has generously sponsored 17 previous national telemedicine symposia. For each symposium, renowned international experts were invited to speak on recent updates in selected areas of medicine. Invited speakers delivered lectures with audience participating in the question and answer session. The symposia have helped to promote international academic collaborations and to disseminate advanced medical knowledge/skills in mainland China.