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Time: Dec.6, 2016 (9:30-11:00am)

Venue:Lecture Hall, Science Building, Shantou University, Shantou, Guangdong, China

Format: The symposium will be live broadcasted via the internet to the whole country through the dominant education and health websites in China.

Honorary Supporters
Ministry of Education, PRC
National Health and Family Planning Commission, PRC

International Visiting Doctors Program of Li Ka Shing Foundation

Li Ka Shing Foundation
China Education Television

Local Organizers
Shantou University [Introduction]
Shantou University Medical College[Introduction]
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel[Introduction]
University of Michigan Medical School, U.S.A.[Introduction]


Windows Media Player
Tom - Skype

“I am not sure whether we could have created the State of Israel in 1948 if the Technion has not been in place since 1912 … and I know we wouldn’t have achieved much of what was achieved here since that time without the Technion” Said former President Shimon Peres in Graduation Ceremony at the Technion, in June 2008.

Laying of the cornerstone of the Technion was in 1912 in the presence of Albert Einstein. Due to the First World War the first classes were open in Architecture & Civil Eng. Educating the engineers that built the infrastructure for the future State of Israel.

The Technion today has 18 Academic departments in Engineering, Natural Sciences, Medicine and Architecture, 52 Research centers, 135 Academic programs (55 undergraduate, 80 graduate) , 14,000 Students (9,500 BSc, 2900 MSc, 1,100 PhD, 500 MD) , 100,000 Academic degrees awarded, 565 Faculty members, 2,500 other staff , 1,000 foreign students, 10,000 pupils & students in the pre-university center, 1.2 sq./km, 90 buildings & 4,200 dormitories in the main campus. The Technion is also building two overseas campuses (NYC, China). In Survey done by MIT in 2012 the Technion was placed 6th in the world for creating the “most successful technology innovation ecosystem,” after MIT, Stanford, Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College. When the question was modified to “creating effective technology innovation ecosystems despite a challenging environment,” Technion was placed 1st.


The Rappaport Faculty of Medicine

The Rappaport Faculty of Medicine is one of the few medical faculties worldwide integrated at a technological institute. Research in the Technion Faculty of Medicine has attained impressive achievements. In the short time since its establishment in 1969, the Faculty has earned the scientific community’s highest respect in several research areas.

Two of our Faculty members, Distinguished Professors Avram Hershko and Aharon Ciechanover were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2004 for discovering the Ubiquitin system and its crucial role in protein degradation and cell cycle.

The Faculty Center for Degenerative Brain Diseases is world famous and has brought about the development of new medicines in protection against brain degeneration. Our Stem Cell scientists are well known as pioneers in their field. Technion Faculty members have contributed to the understanding of “crush syndrome” that has enabled the rescue of thousands of earthquake victims around the world.

The Faculty Centers for Cardiovascular Diseases and for Cancer Research have led to new and important discoveries in the growth of blood vessels and in future pharmacological treatment of patients with vascular disease or cancer. These most impressive achievements are only the tip of the iceberg and have already earned our Faculty a reputation for being at the forefront of medical research.

The Faculty is very proud of the large number of graduates currently holding key positions within the medical system, academia and industry in Israel.