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Time: Dec.6, 2016 (9:30-11:00am)

Venue:Lecture Hall, Science Building, Shantou University, Shantou, Guangdong, China

Format: The symposium will be live broadcasted via the internet to the whole country through the dominant education and health websites in China.

Honorary Supporters
Ministry of Education, PRC
National Health and Family Planning Commission, PRC

International Visiting Doctors Program of Li Ka Shing Foundation

Li Ka Shing Foundation
China Education Television

Local Organizers
Shantou University [Introduction]
Shantou University Medical College[Introduction]
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel[Introduction]
University of Michigan Medical School, U.S.A.[Introduction]


Windows Media Player
Tom - Skype

"My physician model"- Educating physicians in technological institute


The world of medicine is changing under our eyes and the future physician will have to cope with unprecedented numerous and rapid changes. These includes technology developments, convergence of life science with engineering and exact sciences, exponential growth of knowledge, rise in life expectancy with increase prevalence in chronic diseases, society demands, budget constriction, emerging of new generation, “smart” patients who are exposed to medical information and globalization.

Whereas in medical technology a big step has been done, in medical education we are advancing in baby steps. In order to close the gap we need to be creative and innovative. We need multi dimensional tailor-made model that will be based on the faculty ‘s Vision, Values and Mission Statement.

It is clear to us that our future physician will need high emotional intelligence, curiosity, creativity, growth mindset as well as wellbeing. We expect from him to Passionate, Professional and a Lifelong Learner. Based on this assumptions, top down and a multi dimensional process has been taken, and a model coined “My Physician” has been constructed. Five pillars were chosen; Clinical Skills, Innovation and Research, Medical Leadership, Medical Professionalism and Emotional Intelligence as well as Technology Literacy. For each of the five, taxonomy has been defined.

This model that was built with faculty members, students, external experts and public representatives can be used for education students as well as physicians. Both groups can use it for personal development as well as in evaluation process.

We believe that when one can use the same model for most of the professional aspects, during his evolving career path, we know that it is a Lifelong Learning Model. Shaping tomorrows’ physicians based on the “My Physician” model will lead to an effective coping with global challenges.

Future physicians, with outstanding clinical and technological strengths, will lead innovative technology development, Future physicians, with outstanding clinical and EI strengths, will lead educational and preventive programs in the community to promote a healthy lifestyle. Future physicians, with clinical and research strengths, will lead cutting edge research during their medical practice etc.

Developing leadership’s skills alongside all other “My Physician” competencies will enable our future physicians to become Lifelong Learners, be passionate about their work and patients, and maintain healthy well being.